An ANFIS-based Framework for the Prediction of Bearing’s Remaining Useful Life



Published Jan 17, 2024
Abdel wahhab Lourari Tarak Benkedjouh Bilal El Yousfi Abdenour Soualhi


Bearings are critical components extensively used in rotary machines, often being the leading cause of unexpected machine shutdowns. To mitigate system failures, it is crucial to implement effective maintenance strategies. This paper introduces a novel methodology for bearing prognostics, employing Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD) for data preprocessing, Sequential Backward Selection (SBS) for feature selection, and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) networks for prognostic modeling. The proposed approach consists of two key steps. Firstly, the data undergoes preprocessing through Wavelet Packet Decomposition, enhancing the quality and extracting relevant features. Subsequently, the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of the bearing is predicted using a degradation model. The accuracy of the proposed method is evaluated using a bearing life dataset obtained from a run-to-failure test (IMS dataset). The results demonstrate the remarkable capability of the ANFIS model to learn and accurately estimate the system’s RUL. By leveraging the combined power of WPD, SBS, and ANFIS, this methodology showcases its potential as an effective prognostic tool for bearing health assessment and proactive maintenance planning.

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Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD), fault Prognosis, Sequential Backward Selection (SBS), Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Data preprocessing, Maintenance

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