Chatter Identification in Milling of Titanium Alloy Using Machine Learning Approaches with Non-Linear Features of Cutting Force and Vibration Signatures



Published Mar 12, 2024
Viswajith S Nair
Rameshkumar K
Saravanamurugan S


The generation of chatter during machining operations is extremely detrimental to the cutting tool life and the surface quality of the workpiece. The present study aims to identify chatter conditions during the end milling of Ti6Al4V alloy. Experimental modal analysis is carried out, and stability lobe diagrams (SLDs) are developed to identify machining parameters under stable and chatter conditions. Experiments are conducted to acquire cutting force and vibration signatures corresponding to machining conditions selected from the SLD. Non-linear chatter features, such as Approximate Entropy, Holder Exponent, and Lyapunov Exponent extracted from the sensor signatures, are used to build Machine Learning (ML) models to identify chatter using Decision Trees (DTs), Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and DT-based Ensembles. A feature-level fusion approach is adopted to improve the classification performance of the ML models. The DT-based Adaboost model trained using dominant non-linear features classifies chatter with an accuracy of 96.8%. The non-linear features extracted from the sensor signatures offer a direct indication of the chatter and are found to be effective in identifying the machining chatter with good accuracy.

Abstract 561 | PDF Downloads 423



chatter, stability lobe, signal processing, non-linear feature, machine learning

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