An Improved Fault Detection Method based on HSMM Application to a Chemical Process



Published Mar 4, 2024
Lestari Handayani


This paper proposes a fault detection method for multivariate statistical process control. The proposed method combines the Forward-Backward Hidden Semi-Markov Model (HSMM) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). A stochastic automaton was used for multi-mode detection with many observation sequences. We used agglomerative clusters to find the initial parameters of HSMM. We allocated an adaptive threshold and a fixed threshold in each mode for fault detection with PCA, including Hotelling T2 statistic and squared predictive error (Q statistic). We simulated this method on the Tennessee Eastman Process (TEP). Some faults were designed with various runs and times of occurrence. The experimental results were compared with the Mixture Bayesian PCA, Hidden Markov Model (HMM), and HSMM methods. The results are robust with an efficient detection rate. This activity recommends ways to find action plans for multi-mode process monitoring in chemical plants.

Abstract 483 | PDF Downloads 419



'fault detection', 'HSMM', 'Htelling T2, 'T2 Statistic', 'PCA', 'Q statistic', 'Tennessee Eastman Process

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