Emergence of Machine Learning Techniques in Ultrasonic Guided Wave-based Structural Health Monitoring A Narrative Review



Published May 23, 2022
Afshin Sattarifar Tamara Nestorović


Identification of damage in its early stage can have a great contribution in decreasing the maintenance costs and prolonging the life of valuable structures. Although conventional damage detection techniques have a mature background, their widespread application in industrial practice is still missing. In recent years the application of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms have been more and more exploited in structural health monitoring systems (SHM). Because of the superior capabilities of ML approaches in recognizing and classifying available patterns in a dataset, they have demonstrated a significant improvement in traditional damage identification algorithms. This review study focuses on the use of machine learning (ML) approaches in Ultrasonic Guided Wave (UGW)-based SHM, in which a structure is continually monitored using permanent sensors. Accordingly, multiple steps required for performing damage detection through UGWs are stated. Moreover, it is outlined that the employment of ML techniques for UGW-based damage detection can be subtended into two main phases: (1) extracting features from the data set, and reducing the dimension of the data space, (2) processing the patterns for revealing patterns, and classification of instances. With this regard, the most frequent techniques for the realization of those two phases are elaborated. This study shows the great potential of ML algorithms to assist and enhance UGW-based damage detection algorithms.

Abstract 2583 | PDF Downloads 920



damage detection, structural health monitoring, artificial intelligence, ultrasonic guided wave, machine learning

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