Improving Semi-Supervised Learning for Remaining Useful Lifetime Estimation Through Self-Supervision



Published Jan 14, 2022
Tilman Krokotsch Mirko Knaak Clemens G¨uhmann


RUL estimation plays a vital role in effectively scheduling maintenance operations. Unfortunately, it suffers from a severe data imbalance where data from machines near their end of life is rare. Additionally, the data produced by a machine can only be labeled after the machine failed. Both of these points make using data-driven methods for RUL estimation difficult. Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) can incorporate the unlabeled data produced by machines that did not yet fail into data-driven methods. Previous work on SSL evaluated approaches under unrealistic conditions where the data near failure was still available. Even so, only moderate improvements were made. This paper defines more realistic evaluation conditions and proposes a novel SSL approach based on self-supervised pre-training. The method can outperform two competing approaches from the literature and the supervised baseline on the NASA Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation dataset.

Abstract 880 | PDF Downloads 796



rul estimation, deep learning, semi-supervised learning, predictive maintenance

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