The Detection of Rolling-Element Bearing Faults in Non-stationary Quasi-Parallel Machinery Using Residual Analysis Augmented by Neural Networks



Published Sep 20, 2021
Dustin Helm Markus Timusk


This work proposes a methodology for the detection of rolling-element bearing faults in quasi-parallel machinery. In the context of this work, parallel machinery is considered to be any group of identical components of a mechanical system that are linked to operate on the same duty cycle.  Quasi-parallel machinery can further be defined as two components not identical mechanically, but their operating conditions are correlated and they operate in the same environmental conditions. Furthermore, a new fault detection architecture is proposed wherein a feed-forward neural network (FFNN) is utilized to identify the relationship between signals. The proposed technique is based on the analysis of a calculated residual between feature vectors from two separate components. This technique is designed to reduce the effects of changes in the machines operating state on the condition monitoring system. When a fault detection system is monitoring multiple components in a larger system that are mechanically linked, signals and information that can be gleaned from the system can be used to reduce influences from factors that are not related to condition. The FFNN is used to identify the relationship between the feature vectors from two quasi-parallel components and eliminate the difference when no fault is present. The proposed method is tested on vibration data from two gearboxes that are connected in series. The gearboxes contain bearings operating at different speeds and gear mesh frequencies. In these conditions, a variety of rolling-element bearing faults are detected. The results indicate that improvement in fault detection accuracy can be achieved by using the additional information available from the quasi-parallel machine. The proposed method is directly compared to a typical AANN novelty detection scheme.

Abstract 442 | PDF Downloads 378



Condition Monitoring, Hardware Redundancy, Non-Stationary Operating Conditions, Auto-Associative Neural Network

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