TDR-based Multiple Leak Detection System using an S-parameter Transmission Line Model for Long-Distance Pipelines



Published Nov 20, 2020
Sihyeong Woo Taejin Kim Junmin Lee Hyunseok Oh Byeng D. Youn Daeil Kwon


Leaks in water distribution systems should be detected to avoid economic, environmental, and social problems. Existing Bayesian Inference based time-domainreflectometry (TDR) methods for leak detection have a limitation for real applications due to the lengthy time in building sample data. As the pipeline distance becomes longer and multiple leaks must be considered in long distance pipelines, the computational time for building training data gets larger. This paper proposes a scattering-parameter-based forward model to relieve computational burden of the existing TDR methods. It was shown that the proposed model outperformed the existing RLGC-based forward model in terms of computational time. The proposed model that is combined with Bayesian inference and TDR signal modeling is validated with an experimental pipeline, leak detectors, transmission line, and TDR instrument for leak detection. In summary, the proposed method is promising for leak detection in long pipelines as well as multiple leaks.

Abstract 497 | PDF Downloads 808



Pipe leak detection, time-domain reflectometry, S-parameter model

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