Gas Turbine Engine Condition Monitoring Using Gaussian Mixture and Hidden Markov Models



Published Nov 20, 2020
William R. Jacobs Huw L. Edwards Ping Li Visakan Kadirkamanathan Andrew R. Mills


This paper investigates the problem of condition monitoring of complex dynamic systems, specifically the detection, localisation and quantification of transient faults. A data driven approach is developed for fault detection where the multidimensional data sequence is viewed as a stochastic process whose behaviour can be described by a hidden Markov model with two hidden states — i.e. ‘healthy / nominal’ and ‘unhealthy / faulty’. The fault detection is performed by first clustering in a multidimensional data space to define normal operating behaviour using a Gaussian-Uniform mixture model. The health status of the system at each data point is then determined by evaluating the posterior probabilities of the hidden states of a hidden Markov model. This allows the temporal relationship between sequential data points to be incorporated into the fault detection scheme. The proposed scheme is robust to noise and requires minimal tuning. A real-world case study is performed based on the detection of transient faults in the variable stator vane actuator of a gas turbine engine to demonstrate the successful application of the scheme. The results are used to demonstrate the generation of simple and easily interpretable analytics that can be used to monitor the evolution of the fault across time.

Abstract 363 | PDF Downloads 272



condition monitoring, fault detection, Hidden Markov Model, Gaussian Mixture Model, gas turbine engine

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