Alarm device for self-tracking of progression during wrist rehabilitation



Published Dec 1, 2019
Mritha Ramalingam Elanchezhian Chinnavan Nur Syamimi Binti Jasmi Goh Mei Xin Yuvaneswary Santhiresegar


This study aims to design an alarming device for patients requiring wrist rehabilitation. Wrist injury due to accident, sports, stroke, and prolonged hand immobilization often requires physical therapy for rehabilitation to reduce pain, improve range of motion (ROM), and regain strength and function. Physical therapists use a goniometer to measure ROM. Although systematic treatment for wrist rehabilitation is physical therapy, current researchers are seeking an alternative and self-educative procedure based on engineering principles. This paper proposes a self-educative assessment and progress tracking design by exploiting an engineering design. This design is aided by a microcontroller, interfaced with sensors and display unit to measure wrist orientation of patients. The sensors measure the ROM of patients. This system uses a buzzer as an alarm tool for the patients during therapy. If the patients have achieved targeted movements, a beep sound would be produced to notify the patients. Thus, patients will be attentive in the treatment and motivated to proceed with the therapy. Visualization of the ROM through the display unit and alarm signal acts as an educating platform. The prototype was administered on five subjects with reduced ROM in wrist. Results showed that the proposed design increases ROM and self-educate the patients with wrist injuries (p<0.05).

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biomedical healthcare devices

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