A Computationally-Efficient Probabilistic Approach to Model-Based Damage Diagnosis



Published Nov 16, 2020
James E. Warner Geoffrey F. Bomarito Jacob D. Hochhalter William P. Leser Patrick E. Leser John A. Newman


This work presents a computationally-efficient, probabilistic approach to model-based damage diagnosis. Given measurement data, probability distributions of unknown damage parameters are estimated using Bayesian inference and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. Substantial computational speedup is obtained by replacing a three-dimensional finite element (FE) model with an efficient surrogate model. While the formulation is general for arbitrary component geometry, damage type, and sensor data, it is applied to the problem of strain-based crack characterization and experimentally validated using full-field strain data from digital image correlation (DIC). Access to full-field DIC data facilitates the study of the effectiveness of strain-based diagnosis as the distance between the location of damage and strain measurements is varied. The ability of the framework to accurately estimate the crack parameters and effectively capture the uncertainty due to measurement proximity and experimental error is demonstrated. Furthermore, surrogate modeling is shown to enable diagnoses on the order of seconds and minutes rather than several days required with the FE model.

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Uncertainty Quantification, surrogate modeling, damage diagnosis

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