Condition Monitoring Technologies for Synthetic Fiber Ropes - a Review



Published Nov 16, 2020
Espen Oland Rune Schlanbusch Shaun Falconer


This paper presents a review of different condition monitoring technologies for fiber ropes. Specifically, it presents an overview of the articles and patents on the subject, ranging from the early 70’s up until today with the state of the art. Experimental results are also included and discussed in a conditionmonitoring context,where failuremechanisms and changes in physical parameters give improved insight into the degradation process of fiber ropes. From this review, it is found that automatic width measurement has received surprisingly little attention, and might be a future direction for the development of a continuous condition monitoring system for synthetic fiber ropes.

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condition based maintenance (CBM), damage detection, health monitoring, optical damage sensors, ultrasound, thermography, vibration analysis, computer vision, electromagnetic method, X-ray tomography

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