A Generic Software Architecture for Prognostics (GSAP)



Published Nov 16, 2020
Christopher Teubert Matthew J. Daigle Shankar Sankararaman Kai Goebel Jason Watkins


Prognostics is a systems engineering discipline focused on predicting end-of-life of components and systems. As a relatively new and emerging technology, there are few fielded implementations of prognostics, due in part to practitioners perceiving a large hurdle in developing the models, algorithms, architecture, and integration pieces. Similarly, no open software frameworks for applying prognostics currently exist. This paper introduces the Generic Software Architecture for Prognostics (GSAP), an open-source, cross-platform, object-oriented software framework and support library for creating prognostics applications. GSAP was designed to make prognostics more accessible and enable faster adoption and implementation by industry, by reducing the effort and investment required to develop, test, and deploy prognostics. This paper describes the requirements, design, and testing of GSAP. Additionally, a detailed case study involving battery prognostics demonstrates its use.

Abstract 276 | PDF Downloads 252



software, Battery discharge prognostics, architecture, Generic prognostics methodology, software architecture

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