IAMM: A Maturity Model for Measuring Industrial Analytics Capabilities in Large-scale Manufacturing Facilities



Published Nov 13, 2020
Peter O’Donovan Ken Bruton Dominic T.J. O’Sullivan


Industrial big data analytics is an emerging multidisciplinary field, which incorporates aspects of engineering, statistics and computing, to produce data-driven insights that can enhance operational efficiencies, and produce knowledgebased competitive advantages. Developing industrial big data analytics capabilities is an ongoing process, whereby facilities continuously refine collaborations, workflows and processes to improve operational insights. Such activities should be guided by formal measurement methods, to strategically identify areas for improvement, demonstrate the impact of analytics initiatives, as well as deriving benchmarks across facilities and departments. This research presents a formal multi-dimensional maturity model for approximating industrial analytics capabilities, and demonstrates the model’s ability to assess the impact of an initiative undertaken in a real-world facility.

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industrial big data, big data analytics, industrial analytics, smart manufacturing, maturity model, assessment

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