Aging Mechanisms and Monitoring of Cable Polymers



Published Nov 3, 2020
Nicola Bowler Shuaishuai Liu


Aging mechanisms of two polymeric insulation materials that are used widely in nuclear power plant low-voltage cables; cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) and ethylene propylene rubber/ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPR/EPDM), are reviewed. A summary of various nondestructive methods suitable for evaluation of cable insulation is given. A capacitive sensor capable of making local nondestructive measurements of capacitance and dissipation factor on cable polymers, and potentially suitable for in situ cable monitoring, is introduced.
Correlating values of elongation-at-break, indenter modulus, capacitance and dissipation factor measured on a set of 47 aged flame-resistant EPR samples shows a higher correlation between indenter modulus and dissipation factor than between indenter modulus and elongation-at-break.

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thermal aging, cables, radiation aging, capacitive sensor

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