Predictive Model Evaluation for PHM



Published Nov 1, 2020
Chunsheng Yang Yanni Zou Jie Liu Kyle R Mulligan


In the past decades, machine learning techniques or algorithms, particularly, classifiers have been widely applied to various real-world applications such as PHM. In developing high-performance classifiers, or machine learning-based models, i.e. predictive model for PHM, the predictive model evaluation remains a challenge. Generic methods such as accuracy may not fully meet the needs of models evaluation for prognostic applications. This paper addresses this issue from the point of view of PHM systems. Generic methods are first reviewed while outlining their limitations or deficiencies with respect to PHM. Then, two approaches developed for evaluating predictive models are presented with emphasis on specificities and requirements of PHM. A case of real prognostic application is studies to demonstrate the usefulness of two proposed methods for predictive model evaluation. We argue that predictive models for PHM must be evaluated not only using generic methods, but also domain-oriented approaches in order to deploy the models in real-world applications.

Abstract 508 | PDF Downloads 525



prognostics, prognostics and health management (PHM), binary classifier, Machine Learning Algorithms, Generic Methods, Time to Failure, Predictive Models Evaluation

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