Towards a Capabilities Taxonomy for Prognostics and Health Management



Published Nov 1, 2020
Jeff Bird Nancy Madge Karl Reichard


This communication proposes the development by the PHM Society of a classification or taxonomy for the skills needed for the prognostics and health management (PHM) field. This taxonomy is a set of descriptors for each skill for a chosen range of competency levels: entry, working and mastery. This communication defines a structure and process to ensure application to real needs by employers, practitioners and training developers. Preliminary results of the development of Analytics, Test and Experiment Design and Cost Benefit Studies sub-domains within the PHM field are reported based on workshops at the PHM 2012 and 2013 Annual Conferences. Steps for a way forward are proposed and mechanisms for interested parties to participate are suggested. The PHM Society’s Education and Professional Development Committee would lead these efforts.

Abstract 307 | PDF Downloads 323



skills, capabilities, competency levels

Carnegie Mellon University. Whys and Hows of Assessment. Accessed Oct 26, 2013 at
Bloom, B. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay, 1956. Also see a summary, accessed Oct 26, 2013 at
National Research Council Canada, Soft Skill Competencies Accessed archive Oct 26, 2013 at
Reichard, K. (2012). Personal communication.
Jennions I.K. (2011). Integrated Vehicle Health Management: Perspectives on an Emerging Field, SAE International Product Code R-405