Generic characterization of diagnosis and prognosis for complex heterogeneous systems



Published Nov 1, 2020
Pauline Ribot Yannick Pencol´ Michel Combacau


Maintenance efficiency of complex industrial systems is an important economical and business issue. Main difficulties come from the choice of maintenance actions. A wrong choice can lead to maintenance costs that are not acceptable. In this paper, we propose a generic health monitoring system that integrates some diagnostic and prognostic capabilities to determine the current and future state of a large and complex system such as an aircraft. The diagnostic function aims at identifying faulty components that may cause global system failures. The prognostic function estimates the remaining time until the next global system failure. A formal and generic modeling framework for a complex system encapsulating the knowledge required to get the consistent coordination of the diagnostic and prognostic functions is presented. We propose in this framework to take into account component redundancies which is common in systems like aircrafts. Moreover, an original coupling of diagnosis and prognosis is established based on the characterization of the system operational modes and on a decentralized architecture of the monitoring system.

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complex systems, diagnosis, preventive maintenance, failure prognosis

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