Comparative Analysis of Features for Determining State of Health in Lithium-Ion Batteries



Published Oct 22, 2020
Nick Williard Wei He Michael Osterman Michael Pecht


Traditionally, capacity and resistance have been used as the features to determine the state of health of lithium-ion batteries. In the present study, two additional features, the length of time of the constant current and the constant voltage phases of charging were used as additional indicators of state of health. To compare the appropriateness of each state of health feature, batteries were subjected to different discharge profiles and tested to failure. For each cycle, capacity, resistance, length of the constant current charge time and length of the constant voltage charge time were measured and compared based on their usefulness to estimate the state of health. Lastly, all the features were combined to give a fusion result for state of health estimation.

Abstract 1474 | PDF Downloads 1081



State of Health, fusion, lithium ion battery, State Estimation

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