Diagnostics of Local Tooth Damage in Gears by the Wavelet Technology



Published Oct 18, 2020
L. Gelman I. Petrunin I. K. Jennions M. Walters


The chipped gear tooth appearance is normally a result of the initial fatigue damage in a tooth. It is a special gear failure mode and differs from local fatigue damage of gear teeth. Therefore, diagnosis of chipped gear tooth requires a special investigation. Recently, the novel gear damage diagnosis technology, based on the wavelet transform was proposed and successfully applied for diagnosis of the early stage fatigue damage. The proposed technology is applied in this study for diagnostics of a partly-missing (chipped) tooth in a gear of the Machine Fault Simulator (MFS). The advanced automatic technology for the time synchronous averaging of the raw gear vibrations has been employed in this study; this technology does not require speed data. An advanced decision making technique based on use of the likelihood ratio allowed for the continuous correct diagnosis of chipped teeth throughout the recorded data without false alarms and missed detections. The likelihood ratio was obtained using the Gaussian models of the data for classes “undamaged” and “damaged”.

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chipped tooth, likelihood ratio, gear damage diagnostics, wavelet diagnosis technology

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