Graph Neural Networks for Electric and Hydraulic Data Fusion to Enhance Short-term Forecasting of Pumped-storage Hydroelectricity
Pumped-storage hydropower plants (PSH) actively participate in grid power-frequency control and therefore often operate under dynamic conditions, which results in rapidly varying system states. Predicting these dynamically changing states is essential for comprehending the underlying sensor and machine conditions. This understanding aids in detecting anomalies and faults, ensuring the reliable operation of the connected power grid, and in identifying faulty and miscalibrated sensors. PSH are complex, highly interconnected systems encompassing electrical and hydraulic subsystems, each characterized by their respective underlying networks that can individually be represented as graph. To take advantage of this relational inductive bias, graph neural networks (GNNs) have been separately applied to state forecasting tasks in the individual subsystems, but without considering their interdependencies. In PSH, however, these subsystems depend on the same control input, making their operations highly interdependent and interconnected. Consequently, hydraulic and electrical sensor data should be fused across PSH subsystems to improve state forecasting accuracy. This approach has not been explored in GNN literature yet because many available PSH graphs are limited to their respective subsystem boundaries, which makes the method unsuitable to be applied directly. In this work, we introduce the application of spectral-temporal graph neural networks, which leverage self-attention mechanisms to concurrently capture and learn meaningful subsystem interdependencies and the dynamic patterns observed in electric and hydraulic sensors. Our method effectively fuses data from the PSH’s subsystems by operating on a unified, system-wide graph, learned directly from the data, This approach leads to demonstrably improved state forecasting performance and enhanced generalizability.
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pumped-storage hydropower plant, hydroelectricity, data fusion, graph neural networks, state forecasting
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