Towards Physics-Informed PHM for Multi-component degradation (MCD) in complex systems
This study seeks to address the challenge of limited degradation data in developing Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) models for multi-component degradation (MCD) scenarios. Utilizing a small fraction (0.05%) of a previously utilized water distribution testbed dataset in a previous publication, a weighted ensemble hybrid approach is proposed and evaluated against more established modelling approaches used in the previous publication. The proposed approach combines heuristic approximation and Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) methods with a recurrent neural network (RNN) model to enhance diagnostic performance for predicting MCD scenarios. The hybrid model generally outperformed other algorithms when tested on an MCD dataset, demonstrating improved diagnostic accuracy in such scenarios. Future research aims to optimize ensemble weights based on model uncertainty, further enhancing diagnostic capabilities.
How to Cite
Physics Informed Neural Network (PINN), Multi Component Degradation, Fault Detection and Isolation, Digital Twin, PHM
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