Towards a Hybrid Framework for Prognostics with Limited Run-to-Failure Data



Published Jun 27, 2024
Luc S. Keizers
Richard Loendersloot
Tiedo Tinga


The introduction of cyber-physical systems with increased availability of sensor data creates a lot of research interest in prognostic algorithms for predictive maintenance. Although a lot of algorithms are successfully applied to benchmark case studies based on simulated data and experimental set-ups, deployment
in industry lags behind. From a comparison between three benchmark case studies with two real-world case studies based on prognostic metrics (monotonicity, prognosability and trendability), two main issues are observed: 1) the lack of run-to-failures and 2) low prognostic metrics due to a low signal-to-noise ratio of degradation trends, as a result of unexplained physical phenomena. To make prognostics feasible, a hybrid framework is proposed that focuses on improving system knowledge. The framework consists of a quantitative diagnostic assessments, guided by (modular) system models in which damage is induced. This quantitative damage assessment provides input for prognostics based on Bayesian filtering, enabling prognostics for assets in varying operational conditions. Implementation and validation of the framework requires investments, but modularity within the framework can accelerate development for new systems.

How to Cite

Keizers, L., Loendersloot, R., & Tinga, T. (2024). Towards a Hybrid Framework for Prognostics with Limited Run-to-Failure Data. PHM Society European Conference, 8(1), 12.
Abstract 297 | PDF Downloads 145



Prognostics, Hybrid Framework, Prognostic Metrics, Physics-of-Failure, Data Availability

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