Integrated design of negative stiffness honeycomb structures considering performance and operational degradation



Published Jun 27, 2024
Hyeong-Do Kim Taemin Noh Young-Jin Kang Nam-Ho Kim Yoojeong Noh


This study introduces an integrated framework for conceptualizing the design of negative stiffness honeycomb (NSH) structures, specifically considering the durability and performance of their unit cells. Unlike conventional energy-absorbing structures that rely on plastic deformation, NSH offers a promising alternative for reusable energy absorption (EA) and high initial stiffness, making it suitable for a wide range of engineering applications. The research considers the variability in characteristics of NSH based on the shape of the configured negative stiffness beam (NSB), selecting a single curved-beam unit cell as the focal point. Extensive testing, including quasi-static and cyclic compression tests, is conducted on NSH unit cell fabricated using polylactic acid/polyhydroxy alkenoate (PLA/PHA) filament, to analyze performance under stress and to assess degradation over time. Central to the study is the use of multi-objective optimization (MOO) to explore the trade-off between performance and operational durability, thereby emphasizing the significance of degradation in the design process. The results demonstrate the potential for NSH structures, particularly in terms of their reusability and efficiency, highlighting the viability of incorporating durability considerations in the early stages of design, especially for structures intended for additive manufacturing processes.

How to Cite

Kim, H.-D., Noh, T., Kang, Y.-J., Kim, N.-H., & Noh, Y. (2024). Integrated design of negative stiffness honeycomb structures considering performance and operational degradation. PHM Society European Conference, 8(1), 12.
Abstract 226 | PDF Downloads 165



Negative Stiffness Honeycomb, Multi-Objective Optimization, Additive Manufacturing, Design Considering Degradation

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