Damage Diagnostics of Miter Gates Using Domain Adaptation and Normalizing Flow-Based Likelihood-Free Inference



Published Nov 5, 2024
Yichao Zeng Zhao Zhao Guofeng Qian Michael D. Todd Zhen Hu


Miter gates are vital civil infrastructure components in inland waterway transportation networks. To provide risk-informed insights for decisions related to repair and maintenance, sensors have been installed on some miter gates for monitoring. Despite the monitoring system's ability in collecting a large volume of monitoring data, accurately diagnosing damage state in such large structures remains challenging due to the lack of labeled monitoring data, since these structures are designed with high reliability and for a long operation life. This paper addresses this challenge by proposing a damage diagnostics approach for miter gates based on domain adaptation. The proposed approach consists of two main modules. In the first module, Cycle-Consistent generative adversarial network (CycleGAN) is employed to map monitoring data of a miter gate of interest and other similar yet different miter gates into the same analysis domain. Subsequently, a normalizing flow-based likelihood-free inference model is constructed within this common domain using data from source miter gates whose damage states are labeled from historical inspections. The trained normalizing flow model is then used to predict the damage state of the target miter gate based on the translated monitoring data. A case study is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results indicate that the proposed method in general can accurately estimate the damage state of the target miter gate in the presence of uncertainty.

How to Cite

Zeng, Y., Zhao, Z., Qian, G., Todd, M. D., & Hu, Z. (2024). Damage Diagnostics of Miter Gates Using Domain Adaptation and Normalizing Flow-Based Likelihood-Free Inference. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2024.v16i1.4223
Abstract 172 | PDF Downloads 107



Miter gate, Damage Diagnostics, Bayesian, Domain adaptation

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