Large Language Model Agents as Prognostics and Health Management Copilots



Published Nov 5, 2024
Sarah Lukens Lucas H. McCabe Joshua Gen Asma Ali


Amid concerns of an aging or diminishing industrial workforce, the recent advancement of large language models (LLMs) presents an opportunity to alleviate potential experience gaps. In this context, we present a practical Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) workflow and self-evaluation framework that leverages LLMs as specialized in-the-loop agents to enhance operational efficiency without subverting human subject matter expertise. Specifically, we automate maintenance recommendations triggered by PHM alerts for monitoring the health of physical assets, using LLM agents to execute structured components of the standard maintenance recommendation protocol, including data processing, failure mode discovery, and evaluation. To illustrate this framework, we provide a case study based on historical data derived from PHM model alerts. We discuss requirements for the design and evaluation of such “PHM Copilots” and formalize key considerations for integrating LLMs into industrial domain applications. Refined deployment of our proposed end-to-end integrated system may enable less experienced and professionals to back-fill existing personnel at reduced costs.

How to Cite

Lukens, S., McCabe, L. H. ., Gen, J., & Ali, A. (2024). Large Language Model Agents as Prognostics and Health Management Copilots. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 16(1).
Abstract 595 | PDF Downloads 326



LLMs, GenAI, Technical Language Processing, Prescriptive Analytics, Large Language Models, Maintenance Recommendations, Knowledge Extraction, Copilot

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