Frequency domain tensor-based 1D-convolutional neural network and multilinear principal component analysis for machinery fault detection



Published Nov 5, 2024
Ayantha Senanayaka Qing Lee Nayeon Lee Sungkwang Mun Amin Amirlatifi Joseph Jabour Thomas Arnold Maria Seale


Challenges in detecting machinery faults, particularly in multivariate sensor environments, necessitate advanced feature extraction and classification techniques. This study introduces a novel approach that combines Multilinear Principal Component Analysis (MPCA) with a 1D-Convolutional Neural Network (1D-CNN) for efficient fault detection. By constructing Frequency Domain (FD) tensors from multivariate sensor data and applying MPCA for dimensionality reduction, our methodology enhances the capabilities of a 1D-CNN in feature learning and fault classification. The efficacy of this approach is validated through experiments on a Machinery Fault Simulator (MFS) with acoustic and vibration sensors, demonstrating notable improvements in fault detection accuracy compared to benchmark methods. The study results demonstrate that the proposed approach exhibits high accuracy in identifying machine fault conditions and outperforms the benchmark methods. The findings of this study have significant inferences for machine fault detection and fill the gap of more effective and reliable techniques in this domain.

How to Cite

Senanayaka Mudiyanselage, A., Lee, Q., Lee, N., Mun, S., Amirlatifi, A., Jabour, J., Arnold, T., & Seale, M. (2024). Frequency domain tensor-based 1D-convolutional neural network and multilinear principal component analysis for machinery fault detection. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 16(1).
Abstract 186 | PDF Downloads 119



Predictive maintenance, Prognostic health monitoring, Real-time fault diagnosis, Condition monitoring, Rotating machinery faults, Multilinear principal component analysis, 1D-convolutional neural network

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