Co-design Model for Neuromorphic Technology Development in Rolling Element Bearing Condition Monitoring



Published Oct 26, 2023
Daniel Strombergsson Ashwani Kumar Fredrik Sandin Pär Marklund


This paper presents an end-to-end condition monitoring co-design model, from vibration measurement to anomaly detection, where conventional signal processing principles are combined with neuromorphic sensing and computing concepts to enable investigations of the potential improvements offered by brain-like information processing technologies.

The use of machine learning in condition monitoring became increasingly popular for intelligent fault diagnosis in the last decade, taking advantage of the rapid developments in deep learning.

However, the high computational cost of training and using deep neural networks prevents the use of such solutions for analysing the bulk of data generated by the resource constrained edge devices, i.e., the condition monitoring sensor systems, as only a minor fraction of data can be transmitted to the cloud or edge servers for analysis.

There is an untapped potential to process this data and thereby improve intelligent fault diagnosis models using event-triggered sensing, spiking neural networks, and neuromorphic processors that substantially can improve the energy efficiency and capacity of embedded machine learning condition monitoring solutions.

The proposed co-design model is evaluated on two use-cases involving rolling element bearing failures, one based on a labelled laboratory environment dataset, and one based on a wind turbine drivetrain bearing failure representing a real-world scenario with stochastic changes of machine state and unknown labels of the bearing condition.

By adjusting co-design parameters, the resulting hybrid conventional/neuromorphic model show a comparable accuracy in detection performance for the laboratory dataset compared to the state-of-the-art reported in the literature.

Similarly, for the wind turbine drivetrain dataset a bearing fault detection time comparable to that in previous work is obtained.

This shows the successful implementation of a hybrid conventional/neuromorphic co-design model for condition monitoring applications, offering novel opportunities to investigate performance trade-offs and efficiency improvements enabled by neuromorphic technologies.

How to Cite

Strombergsson, D., Kumar, A., Sandin, F., & Marklund, P. (2023). Co-design Model for Neuromorphic Technology Development in Rolling Element Bearing Condition Monitoring. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 15(1).
Abstract 418 | PDF Downloads 297



neuromorphic computing, spiking neural networks


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