Exploring Filter Banks and Spike Interval Statistics of Level-Crossing ADCs for Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Element Bearings
Nowadays, lots of data are generated in industries using vibration sensors to evaluate the equipment’s working condition and identify faults. A significant challenge is that only a small fraction of data can be transmitted for intelligent fault diagnosis and storage. The edge processing capacity is often insufficient for advanced analysis due to time and resource constraints. The neuromorphic signal encoding scheme efficiently reduces the data rate by encoding relevant signal changes into spike trains while discarding redundant information and noise, enabling energy-efficient neuromorphic processing. Due to the presence of dominant operational features and noise in the original measurements, signal pre-processing is required to extract the relevant features before spike coding and processing. The work investigates the effects of different filter banks (pre-processing methods) on the spike encodings for vibration measurements from bearings. This also includes bearing fault features diagnosis based on statistical analysis of generated spikes. The comparative analysis is made for benchmarking different signal pre-processing methods (e.g., envelope, empirical mode decomposition (EMD), and gammatone filter) on bearing vibration datasets. An event-triggered scheme, i.e., Level-crossing analog-to-digital converters (LC-ADCs) is applied to encode the vibration measurement to spikes. Inter-spike intervals (ISIs) statistics are analysed for fault diagnosis of bearings. The results obtained for CWRU bearing databases indicate a possible fault detection and diagnosis with significant data rate reduction and an opportunity for improved computational efficiency. With the developed approach, the envelope filter is found to be the most efficient of all. This work enables a new approach to improve the energy efficiency of condition monitoring systems and further sets a new course of research development in this area using neuromorphic technologies.
How to Cite
Fault Diagnosis, neuromorphic processing, Interspike interval (ISI), Bearing, vibration
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