Improved Fault Detection by Appropriate Control of Signal Bandwidth of the TSA



Published Oct 18, 2015
Eric Bechhoefer Xinghui Zhang


Vibration analysis is perhaps the longest serving technology used in condition monitoring. It is usually assumed that higher sampling rates improve fault detection due to the increased bandwidth of the acquisition. That said, increased bandwidth may decrease the signal to noise, impairing fault detection. Alternatively, if the fault features’ bandwidth is greater than the system bandwidth, the fault cannot be observed. One tool of vibration analysis is the Time Synchronous Average (TSA) analysis. Statistics of the TSA itself can be used as a fault feature, or statistics based on analysis performed on the TSA (energy operator, residual analysis, amplitude/frequency modulation analysis) are used as fault features. Additionally, the computation of the TSA requires a tachometer signal for zero crossing, which has its own bandwidth effect on the TSA analysis. This paper discusses bandwidth control techniques to improve fault detection using the TSA. The techniques are validated using real world pinion data. These techniques have other advantages for embedded condition monitoring systems.

How to Cite

Bechhoefer , E., & Zhang, X. . (2015). Improved Fault Detection by Appropriate Control of Signal Bandwidth of the TSA. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 7(1).
Abstract 242 | PDF Downloads 162



vibration analysis, TSA, signal to noise, bandwidth

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