Estimation of Bogie Performance Criteria Through On-Board Condition Monitoring



Published Sep 29, 2014
Parham Shahidi Dan Maraini Brad Hopkins Andrew Seidel


In this paper, bogie performance criteria are reviewed and it is shown that a real-time, on-board condition monitoring system can efficiently monitor these criteria to improve failure mode detection in freight rail operations. Although the dynamics of rail car bogie performance are well understood in the industry, this topic has recently received renewed attention through impending regulatory changes. These changes seek to extend empty rail car performance criteria to include loaded rail cars as well. Currently, the monitoring of bogie performance is primarily accomplished by wayside detection systems in North America. These systems are only sparsely deployed in the track network and do not offer the ability to monitor bogies continuously. The lack of these elements leads to unexpected downtimes resulting in costly reactive maintenance and lengthy periods of time before an adequate performance history can be established. This paper reviews performance criteria which critically influence bogie performance and proposes a vibration based condition monitoring strategy to estimate system component deterioration and their contribution to the development of bogie hunting. The strategy addresses both sensing techniques and monitoring algorithms to maximize the efficiency of the monitoring solution. In particular it is proposed that understanding the relation of different hunting modes to car body oscillations can be used for a deeper understanding of the rail car condition which current technologies are not able to provide.

How to Cite

Shahidi, P., Maraini, D. ., Hopkins, B. ., & Seidel, A. . (2014). Estimation of Bogie Performance Criteria Through On-Board Condition Monitoring. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 6(1).
Abstract 292 | PDF Downloads 709



Condition Based Maintenance, on-board, freight rail, bogie performance, hunting, lateral instability

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