Actuator Fault-Detection for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Using Unsupervised Learning



Published Oct 2, 2017
Matt Kemp Ben Raanan


Many Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) have high rates of false-alarms because their health management relies on user-generated rules. The false-alarm rate could be substantially smaller if fault-detection were based on actual actuator performance instead of heuristics. We collected
performance data on a critical AUV actuator, a mass-shifter, and from the data developed an unsupervised fault detector. We found that a small number of features were sufficient to detect known and novel faults with a high probability of detection and a low false alarm rate. We also found that npoint false-alarm reduction schemes performed poorly due to correlation during startup.

How to Cite

Kemp, M., & Raanan, B. (2017). Actuator Fault-Detection for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Using Unsupervised Learning. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 9(1).
Abstract 377 | PDF Downloads 214



autonomous robots, autonomous, Component-based systems, Subsystem Health Monitoring, component-level PHM

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