A New Application for Failure Prognostics – Reduction of Automotive Electronics Reliability Test Duration



Published Oct 2, 2017
Andre Kleyner Arvind Vasan Michael Pecht


This paper presents a novel application of failure prognosis to shorten the time of reliability testing. Typically, prognostic outcome is used to make real time health management decisions such as modify mission plan, change system operation parameters to reduce stress and increase remaining useful life, and more. In this work we demonstrate the use of prognostics to reduce the duration of lengthy and expensive tests, such as power temperature
cycling and high temperature endurance in the automotive electronics validation process.

How to Cite

Kleyner, A., Vasan, A., & Pecht, M. (2017). A New Application for Failure Prognostics – Reduction of Automotive Electronics Reliability Test Duration. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2017.v9i1.2446
Abstract 449 | PDF Downloads 568



prognostics, reliability, remaining useful life (RUL), applications: automotive, Validation and Verification, Temperature Cycling

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Technical Research Papers