Managing Fleet Wide Sensory Data: Lessons Learned in Dealing with Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, Value and Visibility



Published Sep 29, 2014
Preston Johnson


More than ever, asset operators and OEMs are investing in fleetwide monitoring systems. With the roll out of these monitoring systems, huge amounts of sensory data are generated. In a single Gigawatt power plant, asset monitoring systems sort through terabytes of sensory data per week. To contend with the volume and velocity of sensory data, analytics and data management techniques are employed along the life of sensory data from digitization at the asset, to storage in the information technology infrastructure. This paper presents techniques, both promising and fielded, for analytics to manage the volume, velocity, veracity, variety, and value of fleetwide asset monitoring data yielding opportunities for advanced visibility of actionable information.

How to Cite

Johnson, P. . (2014). Managing Fleet Wide Sensory Data: Lessons Learned in Dealing with Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, Value and Visibility. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 6(1).
Abstract 467 | PDF Downloads 294



vibration, Big Data, Fleet Wide Monitoring

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Technical Research Papers