An Aircraft Lifecycle Approach for the Cost-Benefit Analysis of Prognostics and Condition-based Maintenance based on Discrete-Event Simulation



Published Sep 29, 2014
Nico B. Hölzel Thomas Schilling Volker Gollnick


The paper will provide a lifecycle cost-benefit analysis of the use of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) systems and a conditioned-based maintenance (CBM) concept in future aircraft. The proposed methodology is based on a discrete-event simulation for aircraft operation and maintenance and uses an optimization algorithm for the planning and scheduling of CBM tasks. In the study, a 150- seat short-range aircraft equipped with PHM and subject to a CBM program will be analyzed. The PHM-aircraft will be compared with an Airbus A320-type of aircraft with maintenance expenditures equivalent to a conventional block check maintenance program. The analysis results will support the derivation of technical and economic requirements for prognostic systems and CBM planning concepts.

How to Cite

B. Hölzel, N. ., Schilling, T. ., & Gollnick, V. . (2014). An Aircraft Lifecycle Approach for the Cost-Benefit Analysis of Prognostics and Condition-based Maintenance based on Discrete-Event Simulation. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 6(1).
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Condition Based Maintenance, cost-benefit analysis

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