Low-complexity Behavioral Model for Predictive Maintenance of Railway Turnouts



Published Oct 2, 2017
Pegah Barkhordari Roberto Galeazzi Alejandro de Miguel Tejada Ilmar F. Santos


Maintenance of railway infrastructures represents a major cost driver for any infrastructure manager since reliability and dependability must be guaranteed at all times. Implementation of predictive maintenance policies relies on the availability of condition monitoring systems able to assess the infrastructure health state. The core of any condition monitoring system is the a-priori knowledge about the process to be monitored, in the form of either mathematical models of different complexity or signal features characterizing the healthy/faulty behavior. This study investigates the identification of a low-complexity behavioral model of a railway turnout capable of capturing the dominant dynamics due to the ballast and railpad components. Measured rail accelerations, acquired through a receptance test carried out on the switch panel of a turnout of the Danish railway network, have been utilized together with the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm – a type of subspace identification – to identify a fourth order model of the infrastructure. The robustness and predictive capability of the low-complexity behavioral model to reproduce track responses under different types of train excitations have been successfully validated. It is anticipated that the identified model will be instrumental for the development of methods for diagnosis and prognosis of faults and degradation process in switches and crossings.

How to Cite

Barkhordari, P., Galeazzi, R., Tejada, A. de M., & Santos, I. F. (2017). Low-complexity Behavioral Model for Predictive Maintenance of Railway Turnouts. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2017.v9i1.2399
Abstract 318 | PDF Downloads 156



Behavior modeling, predictive maintenance, system identification, Railway turnouts

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