Battery Charge Depletion Prediction on an Electric Aircraft



Published Oct 14, 2013
Quach Cuong Chi Brian Bole Edward Hogge Sixto Vazquez Matthew Daigle Jose ́ Celaya Adam Weber Kai Goebel


Validation of prognostic technologies through ground and flight tests is an important step in maturing these novel technologies and deploying them on real-world systems. To this end, a series of flight tests have been conducted using an un- manned electric vehicle during which the motor system batteries were monitored by a prognostic algorithm. The research presented here endeavors to produce and validate a technology for predicting the remaining time until end-of- discharge of the batteries on an electric aircraft as a function of an expected future flight and online estimates of the charge contained in the batteries. Flight data and flight experiment results are presented along with an assessment of model and algorithm performance.

How to Cite

Cuong Chi, Q. ., Bole, B. ., Hogge, E. ., Vazquez, S. ., Daigle, M., Celaya J. ́. ., Weber, A. ., & Goebel, K. . (2013). Battery Charge Depletion Prediction on an Electric Aircraft. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 5(1).
Abstract 876 | PDF Downloads 795



Battery discharge prognostics, unmanned aerial vehicle, Electric Aircraft, Kalman Filtering

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