A Modeling Framework for Prognostic Decision Making and its Application to UAV Mission Planning



Published Oct 14, 2013
Edward Balaban Juan J. Alonso


The goal of prognostic decision making (PDM) is to utilize information on anticipated system health changes in selecting future actions. One of the key challenges in PDM is find- ing a sufficiently expressive yet compact mathematical representation of the system for use with decision optimization algorithms. In this paper we describe a general modeling approach for a class of PDM problems with non-linear system degradation processes and uncertainties in state estimation, action effects, and future operating conditions. The approach is based on continuous Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) used in conjunction with ’black box’ system simulations. The proposed modeling framework can be cast into simpler representations, depending on which sources of uncertainty are being included. The approach is illustrated with a mission planning case study for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). In the case study a PDM system is tasked with optimizing the vehicle route after an in-flight component fault is detected. A stochastic algorithm (based on particle filtering) is used for decision optimization, with a second, deterministic algorithm providing a performance evaluation baseline. Both algorithms utilize a UAV physics simulator for generating predictions of future vehicle states. Performance benchmarking is done on a set of mission scenarios of increasing complexity.

How to Cite

Balaban, E. ., & J. Alonso, J. . (2013). A Modeling Framework for Prognostic Decision Making and its Application to UAV Mission Planning. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2013.v5i1.2294
Abstract 447 | PDF Downloads 298



prognostics, decision-making, UAV

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