Lithium-ion Battery State of Health Estimation Using Ah-V Characterization



Published Sep 25, 2011
Daniel Le Xidong Tang


The battery state of health (SOH) is a measure of the battery’s ability to store and deliver electrical energy. Typical SOH methods characterize either the battery power or energy. In this paper, new SOH estimation methods are investigated based on the battery energy represented by the Ampere-hour throughput (Ah). The methods utilize characteristics of the Ah to estimate the battery capacity or the useable energy for state of health estimation. Three new methods are presented and compared. The simulation results indicate the effectiveness of the methods for state of health estimation.

How to Cite

Le, D., & Tang, X. . (2011). Lithium-ion Battery State of Health Estimation Using Ah-V Characterization. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 3(1).
Abstract 675 | PDF Downloads 1186



National Science Foundation, American Society for Engineering Education, General Motors

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