A Concept of Condition Monitoring for AC-DC Converter Output Capacitors via Discriminative Features



Published Sep 4, 2023
Akeem Bayo Kareem Jang Wook Hur


This paper discusses recent research on the condition mon- itoring (CM) approach for aluminium electrolytic capacitors (AEC) used in power electronics equipment such as switched- mode power supplies (SMPS). Capacitors are identified as the most critical component with the highest percentage of failure in AEC. CM offers a better paradigm for AEC due to its long- lasting ability (endurance). This study proposes accelerated life testing through electrical stress and long-term frequency testing for the AEC component. An experiment test bench was set up to monitor the critical electrical parameters such as dissipation factor (D), equivalent series resistance (ESR), capacitance (Cp), and impedance (Z), which serve as health indicators (HI) for the evaluation of the AECs. Time-domain features were extracted from the measured data, and the best features were selected using the correlation-based technique. This research contributes to developing a cost-effective CM approach for AECs used in power electronics equipment, which can reduce downtime and maintenance costs.

Abstract 366 | PDF Downloads 308



Condition monitoring, aluminium electrolytic capacitors, health index, maintenance costs

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