Point-of-care CD4 Cell Counting for Monitoring HIV/AIDS Patients in Resource-confined Regions



Published Jul 14, 2017
Jung Kyung Kim Myoung-Ock Cho Subin Kim Mohiuddin Khan Shourav


We developed a prototype of optical imaging-based pointof-care (POC) devices that can detect CD4+ T-lymphocytes in human blood for HIV/AIDS monitoring. The proposed portable cell-counting system, Helios CD4, can acquire sample images and analyze particles or cells automatically, by using a simple imaging module and a sample cartridge with a three-dimensional (3D) helical mini-channel. This device has advantages over the existing devices because of its small size and simple scanning mechanism. A performance evaluation was conducted by comparing the cell count obtained using Helios with that obtained using PIMA, one of the most widely used POC CD4+ cell counter.

Abstract 37 | PDF Downloads 55




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