A Digital Signal-based Prognostic Approach to Factory Automation



Published Jul 14, 2017
Jinwoo Lee Daeil Kwon


A data network from a control system is usually consist of complex wiring systems to communicate with manufacturing lines. The electrical connections by the wiring systems can be deteriorated by wire faults such as chafing in the wiring system. During the life cycle of the wiring system, field stress conditions such as mechanical stress condition often cause and intensify the wire faults. The progress of wire fault can cause other wire failures such as cutoff or arcing. Furthermore, failures in the connected wires may eventually cause malfunctions in facilities of manufacturing lines. In order to prevent serious failures, health of the wiring system can be monitored in real time to repair or replace the damaged wires before the time to failure. However, the conventional approaches to wire health monitoring often require additional connections to the wiring system due to additional monitoring devices. Thus, the operation of the facilities may be interfered when the monitoring devices monitor wires. As a result, the conventional approaches, which require additional devices, have difficulty detecting the extent of wire damages in real time, and may end up neglecting the progress of chafing. In this study, a method for wire health monitoring is developed to prevent wire failures by monitoring wire
damages in real time. Digital signal is affected adversely by impedance discontinuity on the transmission line. By monitoring the integrity of digital signal continuously, time to failure can be predicted in real time depending on the extent of wire damage. In addition, an accelerated wire abrasion test was designed to damage wires gradually. During the abrasion test, the integrity of the transmitted digital signal was continuously deteriorated. The monitored signal makes it possible to extrapolate the degradation pattern of the signal parameters depending on the extent of wire damage. Thus, the results in this study validate that the proposed method is capable of monitoring the wire damage to diagnose a wiring system with real-time information.

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