Functional Reliability Prediction of Pyrotechnic Separation Device using Response Surface Model



Published Jul 14, 2017
Dong-seong Kim Seung-gyo Jang Byung-Tae Ryu


Pyrotechnic separation device is used in military and aerospace application because of many benefits such as fast operating time, simple structure, and light weight. The reliability the pyrotechnic device is very important due to its
one-shot nature. Thus, reliability prediction of the device should be considered from the beginning stage of its design. This paper introduces an approach to predict functional reliability of pyrotechnic separation device. The overall procedure consists of the following steps: 1) design parameters affecting the pyrotechnic separation device are identified, 2) design of experiment is defined through the sensitivity analysis about parameters, 3) response surface
model is constructed using polynomial equation. 4) The functional reliability is calculated using Monte Carlo simulation by iterating response surface model.

Abstract 36 | PDF Downloads 73




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