Using structural decomposition methods to design gray-box models for fault diagnosis of complex industrial systems: a beet sugar factory case study



Published Jul 3, 2012
Belarmino Pulido Jesus Maria Zamarreño Alejandro Merino Anibal Bregon


Reliable and timely fault detection and isolation are necessary tasks to guarantee continuous performance in complex industrial systems, avoiding failure propagation in the system and helping to minimize downtime. Model-based diagnosis fulfils those requirements, and has the additional advantage of using reusable models. However, reusing existing complex non-linear models for diagnosis in large industrial systems is not straightforward. Most of the times the models have been created for other purposes different from diagnosis, and many times the required analytical redundancy is small. In this work we propose to use Possible Conflicts, which is a model decomposition technique, to provide the structure (equations, inputs, outputs, and state variables) of minimal models able to perform fault detection and isolation. Such structural information can be used to design a gray box model by means of state space neural networks. We demonstrate the feasibility of the approach in an evaporator for a beet sugar factory using real data.

How to Cite

Pulido, B., Zamarreño, J. M., Merino, A., & Bregon, A. (2012). Using structural decomposition methods to design gray-box models for fault diagnosis of complex industrial systems: a beet sugar factory case study. PHM Society European Conference, 1(1).
Abstract 145 | PDF Downloads 125



applications, industrial, Diagnosis and fault isolation methods

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