A New Adaptive Prognostics Approach Based on Hybrid Feature Selection with Application to Point Machine Monitoring



Published Sep 24, 2018
Vepa Atamuradov Kamal Medjaher Pierre Dersin Noureddine Zerhouni Fatih Camci


This paper proposes a new adaptive prognostics approach consisting of hybrid feature selection and remaining-useful-life (RUL) estimation steps for railway point machines. In step-1, different time-domain based features are extracted and the best ones are selected by the hybrid feature selection method. Then, a degradation model is fitted to each of the selected features and the parameters are estimated. In step-2, the RUL of the component is predicted by using the proposed adaptive prognostics approach. The adaptive prognostics is based on the weighted likelihood combination of the estimated model parameters. The model parameters each of which estimated by curve fitting are used in the calculation of the likelihood probability weights. Then, an adaptive degradation model is built by using the weighted combination of the model parameter estimates and the component RUL is estimated. The proposed approach is validated on in-field point machine sliding-chair degradation and the results are discussed.

How to Cite

Atamuradov, V., Medjaher, K., Dersin, P., Zerhouni, N., & Camci, F. (2018). A New Adaptive Prognostics Approach Based on Hybrid Feature Selection with Application to Point Machine Monitoring. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2018.v10i1.500
Abstract 857 | PDF Downloads 673



Adaptive prognostics, Hybrid feature selection, Remaining-useful-life estimation, Point machine sliding-chair monitoring, Predictive maintenance

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