A Deep Learning Solution for Quality Control in a Die Casting Process
Anibal Bregon
Carlos J. Alonso-González
Daniel López Miguel A. Martínez-Prieto
Belarmino Pulido
Industry 4.0 aims for a digital transformation of manufacturing and production systems, producing what is known as smart factories, where information coming from Cyber-Physical Systems (core elements in Industry 4.0) will be used in all the manufacturing stages to improve productivity. Cyber-physical systems through their control and sensor systems, provide a global view of the process, and generate large amounts of data that can be used for instance to produce datadriven models of the processes. However, having data is not enough, we must be able to store, visualize and analyze them, and to integrate induced knowledge in the whole production process. In this work, we present a solution to automate the quality control process of manufactured parts through image analysis. In particular, we present a Deep Learning solution to detect defects in manufactured parts from thermographic images of a die casting machine at an aluminum foundry.
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Deep Learning, Quality Control, Industry 4.0
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