Interactive Multiple-Model Application for Hydraulic Servovalve Health Monitoring



Published Oct 18, 2015
Wlamir Olivares Loesch Vianna Takashi Yoneyama


Hydraulic systems are widely used as power source for several different applications. Servovalves are critical components and often subjected to failures. Estimating degradations from these components requires dynamic analysis of their behavior and consequently advanced monitoring techniques. This article proposes an online monitoring method to estimate a degradation parameter of the servovalve using an interactive multiple-model technique considering a bank of Extended Kalman Filters that models not only the valve itself but also the degradation trend. A single failure mode was considered related to the nozzle line clogging. The degradation estimates and the likelihood of the correctness of each model were analyzed in order to evaluate the proposed method.

How to Cite

Olivares Loesch Vianna, W., & Yoneyama, T. (2015). Interactive Multiple-Model Application for Hydraulic Servovalve Health Monitoring. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 7(1).
Abstract 403 | PDF Downloads 230




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