Testing Diagnostics Components Supervising Functional Safety Requirements



Published Oct 18, 2015
Mihai Nica Ingo Pill Franz Wotawa


For safety-critical applications, safety diagnostics components are an attractive safeguard for meeting some specified safety requirements under operation. Like a monitor, such a software artifact shall supervise a system under operation, and furthermore, if needed, it overrides the system’s control software in order to maintain safety. In this paper we contribute to testing such a component, suggesting an approach that draws on fault injection and, in order to enhance deployability, accommodates also needs in respect of business issues like intellectual property disclosure and resource efficiency. The required testing oracle we directly obtain from the defined and formalized functional safety requirements, for the purpose of assessing that the safety diagnostic component in- deed maintains safety also under faulty conditions.

How to Cite

Nica, M. ., Pill, I., & Wotawa, F. . (2015). Testing Diagnostics Components Supervising Functional Safety Requirements. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2015.v7i1.2564
Abstract 459 | PDF Downloads 235



applications: industrial, Testing, Model-based diagnosis

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