An Application of Data Driven Anomaly Identification to Spacecraft Telemetry Data



Published Oct 3, 2016
Gautam Biswas Hamed Khorasgani Gerald Stanje Abhishek Dubey Somnath Deb Sudipto Ghoshal


In this paper, we propose a mixed method for analyzing telemetry data from a robotic space mission. The idea is to first apply unsupervised learning methods to the telemetry data divided into temporal segments. The large clusters that ensue typically represent the nominal operations of the spacecraft and are not of interest from an anomaly detection viewpoint. However, the smaller clusters and outliers that result from this analysis may represent specialized modes of operation, e.g., conduct of a specialized experiment on board the spacecraft, or they may represent true anomalous or unexpected behaviors. To differentiate between specialized modes and anomalies, we employ a supervised method of consulting
human mission experts in the approach presented in this paper. Our longer term goal is to develop more automated methods for detecting anomalies in time series data, and once anomalies are identified, use feature selection methods to build online detectors that can be used in future missions, thus contributing to making operations more effective and improving overall safety of the mission.

How to Cite

Biswas, G., Khorasgani, H., Stanje, G., Dubey, A., Deb, S., & Ghoshal, S. (2016). An Application of Data Driven Anomaly Identification to Spacecraft Telemetry Data. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 8(1).
Abstract 752 | PDF Downloads 229




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