Hardware Development for the Controlled Fault Injection into a Turbofan Engine Air-Bleed Valve



Published Oct 18, 2015
George E. Gorospe Donald L. Simon Kai F. Goebel


Gas path fault diagnostics assists operators in determining, and managing the health of gas turbine engines. Engine data depicting fault progression under realistic operating conditions is useful for the maturation of these diagnostic methods. In this paper, we present hardware created to inject a progressive fault in an air bleed valve of a high bypass turbofan engine during on-wing engine testing. The developed hardware interrupts and overrides the engine control computer’s command of the valve and allows for the nondestructive, progressive off-schedule operation of the air bleed valve. Numeri- cal simulation results based on NASA’s Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation 40k are presented to illustrate representative changes in measured engine parameters that can be expected during such an experiment.

How to Cite

E. Gorospe, G. ., L. Simon, D. ., & F. Goebel, K. . (2015). Hardware Development for the Controlled Fault Injection into a Turbofan Engine Air-Bleed Valve. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2015.v7i1.2546
Abstract 224 | PDF Downloads 208



Turbofan engine, Fault injection

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