Failure Prognostics with Missing Data Using Extended Kalman Filter



Published Oct 3, 2016
Wlamir Olivares Loesch Vianna Takashi Yoneyama


Failure prognostics can provide benefits in operation and maintenance of equipments by predicting when the component is going to fail and consequently acting at the most appropriate time. In several situations degradation estimations are sparse or missing estimations are present at collected data. Considering these situations, a failure prognostics method was proposed considering the usage of the extended version of the Kalman filter. This method was analyzed with hydraulic system reservoir levels indication collected from four different aircrafts. In this study a prognostic model was estimated by the filter and then future values of hydraulic level as well as the remaining useful life interval were obtained considering a set of Monte Carlo simulations and a failure probability distribution approximation. Results evidenced the benefit of this method to properly prognose the system.

How to Cite

Vianna, W. O. L., & Yoneyama, T. (2016). Failure Prognostics with Missing Data Using Extended Kalman Filter. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 8(1).
Abstract 429 | PDF Downloads 179



extended Kalman filter, failure prognostics, Missing Data

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